Maintenance methods for common failures of pillow packaging machines
2021-12-071. When the temperature is too high, the speed is too slow, and the outer layer of the film has poor heat resistance, the seal will show signs of wrinkles. The repair method is to adjust the speed, lower the temperature, and replace the film material. 2. The knife seat is too high or too low, the p... MORE +Maintenance methods for common failures of pillow packaging machines
2021-12-071. When the temperature is too high, the speed is too slow, and the outer layer of the film has poor heat resistance, the seal will show signs of wrinkles. The repair method is to adjust the speed, lower the temperature, and replace the film material. 2. The knife seat is too high or too low, the p... MORE +Maintenance methods for common failures of pillow packaging machines
2021-12-071. When the temperature is too high, the speed is too slow, and the outer layer of the film has poor heat resistance, the seal will show signs of wrinkles. The repair method is to adjust the speed, lower the temperature, and replace the film material. 2. The knife seat is too high or too low, the p... MORE +Maintenance methods for common failures of pillow packaging machines
2021-12-071. When the temperature is too high, the speed is too slow, and the outer layer of the film has poor heat resistance, the seal will show signs of wrinkles. The repair method is to adjust the speed, lower the temperature, and replace the film material. 2. The knife seat is too high or too low, the p... MORE +
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